Conversion Rate Optimization Services

What do you want your visitors to do?

Seems obvious doesn’t it? What may seem obvious to you may be very unclear to your visitors, especially to your first time visitor. The answer I receive the most when I ask this question is, “well pick up the phone and call me, or email me, or buy one of my widgets.”

How easy are you making it for them? 

Start with the low hanging fruit first. Is your phone number where it’s supposed to be? Is there a link to your contact form? Where is the link to the contact form? Is it below the fold? Are you asking your visitors to take the next desired step?

What is a Conversion?

A conversion is when a website visitor completes a purchase or completes a lead generation form for a download or a general contact form completion. Conversion rate is the difference between the number of visits your website receives versus the number of times a visit has resulted in a shopping cart or contact form completion.

What does Conversion Rate Optimization mean?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the practice of increasing the number of leads or orders your website receives by reducing your website’s bounce or abandonment rate throughout the inquiry or buying process.

What is a bounce and what is abandonment?

A bounce is when a visitor arrives to one of your web pages and turns around, without visiting another page.. A bounce may be indicative of a poorly written search engine listing, or ambiguous content on the landing page. When a visitor leaves or exits the sale or booking process it is referred as abandonment. Many exits are logical, but depending on how intuitive your check out process is will determine what your abandonment rate or conversion rate is.

What’s a Good Conversion rate?

I get asked this question a lot and my reply is simple; a good conversion rate is one that’s always improving. And, then I ask, why should I contact you, or buy from you? What’s your value proposition? How unique is it? How do you distinguish yourself from your competitors? How compelling is your offer?

If you’re addressed these factors successfully now you’re ready to get down to the nitty gritty of evaluating and testing elements such as search filters, page layouts, messaging, icon design and placement, calendar controls, and form fields.

Contact me to discuss how turn your website into a revenue producing machine.